機電工程署學徒協會將於2025年3月18至20日舉辦關於操作及使用自動保護繼電器測試儀(Automatic Protection Relay Tester)訓練課程。參加者可親臨昂船洲污水處理廠或可用Zoom連結遙距參加。參加者可從以下連結、本會網頁或與所屬組別聯絡員報名。
日期:2025年3月18至20日 (共3天)
報名截止日期: 2025年3月17日
Day 1 (18 Mar 25, 09:30 to 16:30)
Speaker: Mr. Calvin LO, Medium: Chinese
1. Manual Mode Control by TSMS
2. DRTS66 Local Mode
3. Troubleshooting and repairing
Day 2 (19 Mar 25, 09:30 to 16:30)
Speaker: Mr. Soriano Gabby, Medium: English with explanation in Chinese if necessary
1. Introduction of Relay Testing
2. Introduction of Tester – Brand: Doble / ISA, Model: DRTS66
3. Programming Setting: RIO File & Library
4. Testing for OCEF Relay (Brand: GE / Model: P14N & P14D)
5. Testing for Motor Protection Relay (Brand / Model)
Day 3 (20 Mar 25, 09:30 to 16:30)
Speaker: Mr. Soriano Gabby, Medium: English with explanation in Chinese if necessary
1. Testing of Distance Relay for feeder protection
2. Testing of Differential Relay for Transformer protection (Brand: GE/ Model: P642)
3. Testing of Sequence Relay for Motor / Tx Protection
4. Testing of Motor Protection Relay (Brand: ABB / Model: C150)
5. Practical Training
6. Q&A